Just received some new pictures of the Model 1 from Hong Kong!

Handcrafted Scope Clocks with circle graphics
Just received some new pictures of the Model 1 from Hong Kong!
A colleague asked me whether the trailing effect you see on the seconds hand was a photography trick, or something actually visible to the human eye.
Yes, the trailing effect is real, and it’s thanks to a characteristic of the CRT’s phosphor screen called persistence.
(more…)I personally delivered the StokesScope Model 1 clock in late 2010. The excitement! The fervour! We were so giddy we had to take a break in the middle.
All went well except for 1 major mishap, which I will share in a future post. Subscribe so you don’t miss the gory details and lessons learned.
This site is dedicated to showcasing my Scope Clock designs, and to sharing technical information openly to anyone interested in these vintage electronic timepieces.
A unique style of clock that displays the time (and other fun things) on a CRT taken from an old oscilloscope. These clocks operate on a fusion of old and new electronics, and are often housed in beautifully crafted cases of wood, metal, or acrylic.
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